Vanning Survey
Vanning Survey-Charcoal, briquette are substance obtained by partial burning or carbonization (destructive distillation) of organic material. It is largely pure carbon. The entry of air during the carbonization process is controlled so that the organic material does not turn to ash, as in a conventional fire, but decomposes to form charcoal. The characteristics of charcoal products (lump, briquette, or extruded forms) vary widely from product to product. Thus it is a common misconception to stereotype any kind of charcoal, saying which burns hotter, etc.Shipment Charcoal is sometimes packed in bags, baskets, or made up into trusses. However, usually it is shipped in bulk. Very dusty and light cargo: protect fine cargo from dust when handling. Oak charcoal is fairly heavy. Beware coconut husks which may be shipped as charcoal. Not permitted for transport in bulk if class 4.2. If carried in bulk must be accompanied by a certificate from shipper stating cargo is not class 4.2 based on definitive test. Stow clear of all chlorates, and not over any cargo liable to be damaged by charcoal dust. This cargo absorbs moisture equal to about 18-20 per cent, of its weight.
Prepare the following document :
- MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets)
- Self Heating Test Certificate
- Producer Company Profile
- Description of whole cooling process and the chemical (or steam ) used for activating.
- Minimum of 14 days of pre-cooling prior to packaging.
- Cargo is packed in accordance with IMDG Code.
- Packaging should be impervious to air & in good condition, & must not be torn.
- Temperature of cargo should not be more than 5 degree C above the ambient temp
- There should be no burning smell or presence of smoke during vanning
- Void space of 30 cm must be left on top of cargo & at door end to assist fire fighting.
- Total number and size of containers
- Container numbers
- Seal numbers against respective container numbers
- Date of vanning of each container

- Certificate of Self-Heating Test
- Certificate of Analysis
- Vanning Certificate