PT. Beckjorindo Paryaweksana is regularly appointed by various clients to conduct inspections of containers and tanks which are subject to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code and/or 49CFR (US Hazardous Materials Regulations) when used to transport hazardous materials. This service is offered with respect to carriage by vessel. These inspections include: Ensuring Shipping Documents properly describe the cargo in accordance with the IMDG Code and/or 49CFR. Ensuring through physical examination that the transport unit is structurally serviceable and suitable for the cargo carried, in accordance with the IMDG Code and/or 49CFR. Ensuring through physical examination that the packages, labeling, placarding, marking, stowage and securing comply with the IMDG Code and/or 49CFR. Informing the client(s) of any deficiencies present and corrective action required.