PT. Beckjorindo Paryaweksana is regularly appointed by various clients to conduct Draft Surveys onboard vessels and barges to calculate the amount of bulk cargo loaded or discharged. These surveys may be used for Bill of Lading purposes or for verification of shore scale weights.
A Draft Survey conducted by PT. Beckjorindo Paryaweksna:
Includes all calculations used in determining the cargo figure including starting and finishing drafts, displacements, and consumables.
Cargo Weights may be reported in metric tons, long tons, short tons, kilograms, or pounds.
A PT. Beckjorindo Paryaweksna Weight Certificate can be provided at the clients request.
A stowage plan can be provided at the clients request.
The Draft Survey may be reported on our form.
Deadweight Surveys can be conducted for purposes of cargo calculation at the completion of loading but accuracy will be dependent on the vessel's reported lightweight constant.