PT. Beckjorindo Paryaweksana is regularly appointed by various clients to conduct damaged cargo surveys on both breakbulk and containerized cargo. These surveys may be conducted on the vessel or ashore depending upon the circumstances. Damages can be caused by various factors, e.g. physical damage due to improper handling, poor packaging, movement due to insufficient securing, either on board a vessel or within a container, or water damage due to sweat, leaking hatch covers or water ingress into a container. These surveys include: If on board the vessel, attempt to ascertain appropriate information, such as port of loading, stowage location, any exceptions taken at time of loading, method of securing, subsequent ports where the same compartment may have been loaded, heavy weather information, any protests submitted by Master etc. Inspecting the packaging of the cargo to ascertain its suitability for the intended transport and, if possible, inspecting the securing method to ascertain whether it complies with the relevant guidelines, e.g. the IMO CSS Code and the ILO/IMO/UNECE Guidelines. Ascertaining the nature and extent of damage. Making recommendations on actions to mitigate the loss. Rendering a report with opinions on the nature, cause and extent of the loss.